Gila County recently issued the following announcement.
Date: July 17
Location: Veterans Park outside Globe City Hall at
150 North Pine Street in Globe
Fresh local veggies, potted flowers and herbs, honey, preserves, tasty baked goods -- and much more -- the weekly Farmers Market sets up outside Globe City Hall.
Farmers' Market organizer Holly Brantley adds: “we are glad to include the crafting community to sell as well – and our Saturday morning market at Globe's Veterans Memorial Park is a location with trees that shade our vendors, lots of convenient parking nearby – a playground to keep kids entertained, and also easy walking distance for Farmers Market customers who live near downtown Globe.
Bakers and jam and jelly makers are required to have a food handlers card in order to sell at the market. Vendors complete a registration form and pay a booth fee of $10 -- plus a percentage of the day's sales."
A few of the most popular vendors likely to be there include ‘The Chile Guy’ and green-thumbed grower Bob Zache, who brings everything from greens and gourds to artichoke plants ready to take root in your own garden.
Crafters and bakers are invited to sell, too; to inquire about vendor fees, call Holly at (928) 701-3097 or connect on Facebook to see photos and updates about vendors.
Original source can be found here.