Payson Ranger District | Flickr
Payson Ranger District | Flickr
From February 03, 2023 Post.
Payson Ranger District begins fuel reduction project
PHOENIX, Feb. 2, 2023 — The Tonto National Forest is implementing a new mastication project on the Payson Ranger District, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023.
The Keger Mastication project, northeast of Geronimo Estates will treat 209 acres using mastication on both sides of Control Road (Forest Road 64) from Forest Road 440 to Forest Road 438 and Forest Road 1170.
Mastication equipment will be used to shred brush, juniper and understory pine tree species to reduce ladder fuels that have the potential to spread fire from treetop to treetop, also known as a crown fire. In addition to thinning vegetation, these treatments will improve the watersheds of Bray and Weber Creeks. Mastication operations are expected to last until early March 2023.
Motorists are urged to drive with caution when traveling in the area and the public should stay clear of the project worksite due to the potential of hazardous flying debris.
The effects of these treatments will cause the project area to shift to a state of “low” fire hazard, with conditions conducive to the reintroduction of low severity fire which is more natural to improving forest health and reduces the risk of wildfires to surrounding communities.
For the latest news and information about the Tonto National Forest, follow along on Facebook @TontoNationalForest or Twitter @TontoForest.
Original source can be found here.